Relationship between political legitimacy and political participation from the perspective of Imam Khomeini

Document Type : Research Paper


Imam Khomeini’s theory of state is a three- concept equation (i.e. Religion, Velayat and Nation). How the above mentioned three concepts are added together is subject to discussion from various perspectives. Attempts have been made in this article to review and investigate the issue from the viewpoint of political legitimacy and political participation. The question posed is the investigation of the relationship between political participation and political legitimacy from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini. It is hypothesized in the article that in Imam Khomeinil’s Ejtehadi Interpretation, legitimacy is prior in position and is incorporated into political philosophy and is of governance type in nature. Howerer, the position of political participation is subsequnet and belongs to the relam of sociology and is regulatory in nature. Therefore, state is the result of the mixture of both. That is, in “Islamic Repulic”, the “Repubice” refers to supervision and participation dimensions and the “Islamic” refers to its governance and legitimacy aspects. Thus, this balance point follows his Ejtehadi Interpretation in methodology.             




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