Basics, Results and Distinctions of Principled Methodology of Imam Khomeini's Political Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


As a revolutionary thinker and the founder of an innovative system based on axial principles and fundamentals of Islamic and Shi'ite thinking, Imam Khomeini have had special and distinctive intellectual and political perspective relative to his predecessor scholars and thinkers. This distinction has provided the motives of new thinking and applied program and plan in the domain of Shi'ite thoughts and politics. One of these domains and determinant sources of this distinction is the methodological domain. In this regard, the methodology of Ijtihad has great role and importance as the direction and style of understanding and exploring the laws. Meanwhile, the science of jurisprudence and methodology as the systematic method and tools of Ijtihad and deduction are the methodology of political jurisprudence. Therefore, it is essential to explain its basics and components in Imam Khomeini's legal and political point of view that determines basis and foundations of his political thought. In this way, first Imam Khomeini's specific perspective and definition of methodology is addressed along with the importance he has given to customary and intellectual resources of this science and verbal foundations of his principled approach. Then, a few cases of basic rules are addressed as the results and effect of this principled methodology; since these principled methodologies have had effective consequences on the area of politics and governmental theory of Imam Khomeini, through his innovative and new theorizing in this domain.


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