"Analysis of the Leadership of Imam Khomaini during the Islamic Revolution from the Perspective of Sociology of Emotions"

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Mazandaran


This article, being in the modern field of sociology of emotions, studies the leadership of emotions during the Islamic revolution by Imam Khomeini. Inspired by the views of Flam, King, Polletta, Jaspers & Goodwin, this paper examines the requirements of transformation of counter-mobilizing emotions to the mobilizing ones that lead to the active protest against status quo, through emotional liberation and emotional energy.
 Concerning on Imam Khomeini,s conduct of emotions, the paper uses descriptive-analytic approach focusing on qualitative content analysis of Imam,s views, since 1963 to 1979, written in Sahifeh- Imam collected in six volumes. The main hypothesis of the article is that, the supreme leader, could construct the emotions politically and culturally and conduct them successfully. Imam accomplished the leadership of emotions by removing trust to the Pahlavi regime, creation of anger against the regime and countering fear and frustration as counter-mobilizing emotions, making solidarity and unity, pride and positive nationalist sentiments as cementing emotions and showing of sympathy and empathy to the mass and planting sense of agency. Finally by successful conduct of emotions, Imam Khomeini could activate the dissatisfied people against the regime to overthrow it and consequently establish the Islamic government.


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