Feasibility Study of the Islamic Revolution Based on Bourdieu's Sociological Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty Member/Department of Political sciences/ Tehran/Iran


Abstract: Bourdieu's sociological theory is the one presented for explaining conflicts in different social, cultural, economical and political fields and so is suitable for explaining some dimensions of revolution event in society. For him, the social universe is the site of endless and pitiless competition, in and through which arise the differences that are the stuff and stake of social existence. Contention, not stasis, is the ubiquitous feature of collective life. concepts Piety and justice, Imam, Jurisprudence, imitation, pure Islam, commitment, jihad, sacrifice, the fight against injustice and evil, general and special Imamate etc were the most important components of the clergy's cultural capital that has had a high social standing in iran. In this essay, with the help of basic concepts of Bourdieu sociological theory I try to explain, to some extent, Iran's developments of the years between 1961-1979. Obviously, the used method in the article is Bourdieu's method: constructivism. Finally, it is concluded that – considering cultural nature of Islamic revolution- Bourdieu's theory that is one generally prefers cultural concepts such as cultural capital, habitus and correlation of different fields of social life, can help us propose a new interpretation of some reasons and causes of the revolution. So, how to transform cultural capital of the clergy into economic one and the bazaar support financially and organizationally from the revolutionaries can be explained. Based on this theory we can show conflicts between two rival kinds of the habitus (western versus Islamic-Iranian) in a transitional society and its impacts on nativism discourse in this period. Also, the symbolic violence concepts versus physical one can explain another the sovereign power weakness against his opponents that were enjoyed of more powerful symbolic reservoir for mobilizing the masses. Thus we can explain why the clergy could have an upper hand in mobilizing people and its ideology pulled over the intellectual modern-secular discourse.


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