The Domain of Justice in Imam Khomeini' Thoughts

Document Type : Research Paper



Justice as a permanent topic in political philosophy can be studied in different dimensions. To theorize about Justice or study the thoughts about it, it is necessary to clarify what we mean by the concept of justice and the spheres in which we find Justice meaningful. Drawing on and analyzing Imam Khomeini’s thoughts, this article purports to illustrate the meaning of justice in his thoughts and the spheres in which he considers justice as meaningful. In this regard, justice will be studied in accordance with the concepts of "Balance", "Equality", "Desert" and "putting everything in its place" that have ever been equivalent to justice in the history of justice research. Imam Khomeini's thoughts indicates that all the meanings of justice that have been proponed from the perspective of Balance, Equality and Desert refer to the meaning "putting everything in its place". The discussions that has been made to determine the rights and the criteria to allocate them, under the definition of justice in terms of desert, the formation of balance, under the definition of justice in terms of balance and relevant or irrelevant respects to achieve valid equalities and inequalities under the definition of justice in terms of equality, indicate the reference of all meanings of justice to the meaning "putting everything in its place". Analyzing Imam Khomeini's semantics of Justice, the article also clarifies that in his thoughts, justice can be applied meaningfully in the spheres of "divine creation", "divine legislation", "inner human life" and "social human life". Therefore, justice is divided to two types of divine justice and human justice. The first one means God is just because, on the one hand, Creation is the best creation and every creature is guided to its perfection and on the other hand, his legislation is based on Creation. The second one emphasizes the importance of justice in human internal powers besides justice in human social relations.


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