Functions of Concept of Expediency in Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper




The colorful history of science, theory and methods, we are faced with a series of cross-sectional appearance and that each is used.The methods and multiple theories, each of the steps taken to advance scientific knowledge. One of this theories is imre lakatus"s research program that Although the theory is often used in the analysis of experimental science, but given the general and spirit of this theory it can also be used to study other intellectual currents. Lakatos believes that any theory is a research program that is composed of two parts: hard core and a protective belt.Hard core, the foundation of every thought and theory.Every thinker who believes in a research program knows, the hard core as the main basis for their work done.To protect the main theory, there is a complete protective belts, the core is the theory.Lakatos knows rate development or backward for a program of research, ability and acceptability of auxiliary hypotheses.So that if a research program by modifying the protective belt to form theories that brought new predictions, this research program. The leading theory.This article thought the Islamic Republic is considered as a research program. In this regard, consider Islam as hard core and constitute the skeleton, is trying to take care of the interests close to the belt, to explain how it works in the Islamic Republic of Iran and emphasized that the concept of interest in the Islamic Republic, which has the same function as a protective belt is made in view of the iconic Lakatos.Therefore, the use of interest from the hard-core supporters, is an attempt to avoid refuting the hard core, it is possible to provide the development of Islam. In addition to these two issues, this article is trying to turn the thoughts of Imam Khomeini, the Islamic Republic's thought to derive assumptions constitute the hard core of a research program in the field argue that according to Lakatos, the idea of the Islamic Republic, dynamic thinking and progressive.


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