واکاوی مناسبات میان اخلاق و سیاست در اندیشه امام خمینی ره مبتنی بر نظریه دو فطرت

Document Type : Research Paper


imam sadiq research instiute for islamic seicieces-qom


One of the important concepts and influence on political thought is moral and policy and the relationship between them, which thinkers have thought about it a long time ago. Imam Khomeini's thought, as one of the most prominent thinkers and scholars in the field of politics, can be considered a turning point on this subject. The methodology of this research is descriptive- analytic and based on the two- Fitrah theoretical framework inferences in different works of Imam Khomeini. This research has a realistic look at moral and policy and the relationship between them that based on the intellectual framework of Imam Khomeini on this issue. The findings reveal that, according to follow of policy from moral in the thought of Imam Khomeini and two- Fitrah theory, the politicians should be self purification on the way of moral policy.
Key word: Imam Khomeini, moral, policy, , moral ,thought, two- Fitrah theory
One of the important concepts and influence on political thought is moral and policy and the relationship between them, which thinkers have thought about it a long time ago. Imam Khomeini's thought, as one of the most prominent thinkers and scholars in the field of politics, can be considered a turning point on this subject. The methodology of this research is descriptive- analytic and based on the two- Fitrah theoretical framework inferences in different works of Imam Khomeini. This research has a realistic look at moral and policy and the relationship between them that based on the intellectual framework of Imam Khomeini on this issue. The findings reveal that, according to follow of policy from moral in the thought of Imam Khomeini and two- Fitrah theory, the politicians should be self purification on the way of moral policy.
Key word: Imam Khomeini, moral, policy, , moral, thought, two- Fitrah theory


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