Analysis of political security relations and political freedom in thought leader(emam khamenei)

Document Type : Research Paper



Among the issues necessary to properly set the security and freedom of every human society. However, little research has been done in this area. Views of Islamic thinkers about the security and freedom of expression in ways that are helpful in setting it over.This article tries to approach the Supreme Leader about the political security and political freedom won.The question that arises here is that political security relations and political freedom in thought leader, how?To answer this question, descriptive analysis and the theory of employment (Perceptions of Allameh Tabatabai) is used as a conceptual framework and tools reductio ad absurdum.One of the main findings of this paper is that political security and political freedom in thought leader, interaction rate, and correlation with and his convictions, rooted in the transcendent features in any of the security and freedom.Results of this study establish the scientific development on issues related to security and freedom, on legislation and resolve cases of interference in the political system applications.
Among the issues necessary to properly set the security and freedom of every human society. However, little research has been done in this area. Views of Islamic thinkers about the security and freedom of expression in ways that are helpful in setting it over.This article tries to approach the Supreme Leader about the political security and political freedom won.The question that arises here is that political security relations and political freedom in thought leader, how?To answer this question, descriptive analysis and the theory of employment (Perceptions of Allameh Tabatabai) is used as a conceptual framework and tools reductio ad absurdum.One of the main findings of this paper is that political security and political freedom in thought leader, interaction rate, and correlation with and his convictions, rooted in the transcendent features in any of the security and freedom.Results of this study establish the scientific development on issues related to security and freedom, on legislation and resolve cases of interference in the political system applications.


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