Explaining the survey of the relationship between the issuance of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and public diplomacy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Education Department of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

2 university


The formation of the Islamic state is one of the stages of achieving Islamic civilization. Undoubtedly the Islamic Revolution of Iran has been one of the important factors of the civilization of Islam in the last century. In this research, we asked whether the opinion of the experts in this field, university professors, in a random manner about "the relationship between public diplomacy and the issuance of the Islamic revolution", has been largely theoretical and sometimes descriptive.Therefore, the main issue of this research is the survey of the relationship between public diplomacy and the issuance of the Islamic Revolution. Initially, the responses to questionnaire questions were analyzed. The SPSS program was used to accomplish two major activities. The first, the findings of the study were described in detail and comprehensively. This action was also due to the exploration of the foundations and intends to identify the explanation of the relationship between the issuance of the Islamic Revolution and the goals of the Islamic Revolution with the strategy of public diplomacy in the Islamic world. Therefore, the items of the questionnaire, which each indicate this relationship, and it has been examined carefully.The results show that more than 90% agree that issuing the Islamic Revolution will be successful when the revolutionary system succeeds in a variety of fields, providing a successful model for other societies.The required explanations are required if needed. In the second part, we analyzed the background variables of the research to provide further analysis of this relation. The findings of the research show that a large percentage of respondents agree to teach and transfer the values of the Islamic Revolution to the elites of Islamic countries, and these goals can be achieved through scholarly exchanges between academic and university students, for the influence of the elites of the Islamic world.


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