Model of guarding the Islamic Revolution Study of the statements of Supreme Leader

Document Type : Research Paper


Imam hossein unevesity - International study faculty


Every year, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution On the third day of Sha'ban, ” the anniversary of the birth shrine of Imam Hussain (AS)” as the guard day in a meeting with commanders and officials present his views on the Sepah and Grounding the Islamic Revolution. This scientific study Designed and implemented in order to fill the vacuum in the country.
This research is an attempt, albeit slightly, in this direction in order to be able, with a scientific and practical look, to study and Survey the intellectual system of them consider the model of " guarding the Islamic Revolution" from their point of view.
In this study that is a Descriptive –Exploratory research have been attempt to based on “Grounded theory” in Human Sciences Studies and proportionate to the methodology of research, questions and research goals, and Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution expectations, design the model of guarding the Islamic Revolution.
Research questions are aimed at identifying and introducing concepts, categories and meta-categories developed from within the original data.In this research, was studied resources (including statements, sermons, messages and so on of Ayatollah Khamenei) during the years 1368 to 1395 with theoretical sampling and in full readiness to reach saturation, by using three types of coding (open, axial and selective) was emerged the final model consist of 317 codes/concepts, 45 categories and 5 meta-category(dimension).
The five dimensions of model include "causal variables"(With data coverage of 14.51%) consisting of 6 categories, "background variables" consisting of 12 categories(With data coverage of 32.81%), "Preventative variables" consists of 7 categories(With data coverage of 15.14%), "Strategic categories" consists of 10 categories(With data coverage of 17.67%) and "consequential categories" were made up of 9 categories(With data coverage of 19.87%)
The concept of " guarding the Islamic Revolution" was chosen as the central category of the pattern and At the end of the research, suggestions for future researchers and institutions associated with this concept are presented


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