Spiritual Power in Islamic Revolution with Emphasis on Imam Khomeini's Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


phd student


The alienation of power with spirituality in the liberal-democratic discourse has made politics into the realm of struggle in its domination, with the claim of orbital ethics. In the religion of Islam, spirituality is the flow and movement on the path (God's love for theology and melting in His divinity). The system of religious democracy comes from Islam and the Islamic revolution. If Islamic spirituality, as one of the sources of power, comes from the purely individual and internal affairs of the community, so that the person, the society and the state would become spiritual, and spiritual power is produced. In this sense, the individual, the society, and even the state, with all its structure and its agents, can become godly, that if such a success comes, then not only will corruption be not only power but also bring about the excellence and prosperity of the power of the people first and foremost to the people of the community. In this study, it will be focused on the conceptual framework of spiritual power and the multi-dimensional hermeneutic approach to understanding and interpreting Imam Khomeini's thought and life, which would be the best analogy of the embodiment of spirituality in the individual and social domain. The spiritual power of the Islamic Revolution, given its nature, resources, types, and applications, has such a capacity that it can shield the discourse of soft power in the present historical twist and changes itself into the dominant discourse; Especially in the present era, spirituality will be seen not only in the East, even in the most secretive parts of the Western community.The spiritual power of the Islamic Revolution, given its nature, resources, types, and applications, has such a capacity that it can shield the discourse of soft power in the present historical twist and changes itself into the dominant discourse; Especially in the present era, spirituality will be seen not only in the East, even in the most secretive parts of the Western community.


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