Analysis of the relationship between Israel and Iraqi Kurdistan and its security implications for the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 associate Razi University

2 Assistant Professor

3 Researcher


The profound developments in Iraq after the Persian Gulf War in 1991, and in particular the vacuum of power created after the fall of Saddam in 2003, ISIL invasion of this land, and recently a referendum on independence in Iraqi Kurdistan and the expansion of political, economic, and military activities of the Kurds in line with their independence goals in this country, in addition to the extensive presence of the United States and its allies in the Middle East after September 11, and the plans for the Middle East and New Middle East strategies, has provided a good basis for expanding the presence and influence of Israel in Iraqi Kurdistan. Israel's influence in Iraqi Kurdistan is in fact a continuation of Israel's national security and foreign-policy strategy in the Middle East to get out of isolation and dominate the region. The main question posed by this article is that the increase in the presence and influence of Israel in Iraqi Kurdistan will produce what consequences for the national security and interests of Iran? This article explores the objectives, interests, and facilitating requirements of the Israeli actions for presence in Iraqi Kurdistan and by using a descriptive-analytical method based on the conceptual framework of the threat balance, attempts have been made to explain the various aspects of the policies and relations of Israel with the Kurds of Iraq and their consequences for the national security of Iran. The findings of the present study indicate that the presence and influence of Israel in the Kurdistan region of Iraq is in line with the strategic goals of this regime, including the creation of a new strategic alliance in the region, which can ultimately be a serious threat to security of Iran.


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