Discursive Diplomacy of Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader’s Messages to Hajj Assembly and its effects

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University

2 MA of Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University


Imam Khomeini with the coming of the hajj in order to make optimal use of this huge capacity sent a message to this human-Islamic assembly every year and after imam, the Supreme Leader continued this path. This paper primarily seeks to extract the discursive diplomacy of Imam and the Supreme Leader in Hajj as one of the most important ways of issuing the revolution and influence of the Islamic Republic in the world. Next, look for the differences or similarities between discursive diplomacy of Imam and the Supreme Leader and finally, it will look at the effects of this diplomacy in various fields. For this purpose all messages sent by Imam to the Hajj assembly, from the time of the revolution to his death, as well as the messages of the supreme leader to the assembly from 1990 to 2018 as the most relevant and main resource available in this regard were studied using the Practical Discourse Analysis Method, known as PDAM. The results showed that the main principles of the discursive diplomacy of Imam Khomeini include monotheism, the impossibility of separating religion from politics, the unity of Muslims, fighting against imperialism, Western imperialistic movements, supporting the oppressed, and spreading the revolution. Supreme Leader, in addition to these issues, raised other key issues such as supporting Palestine, Islamic awakening, fighting against cultural invasion, resistance, creating opportunities through Hajj and the problems of the Islamic world. As a result, the Supreme Leader has expanded Imam's discourse diplomacy. Each of these cases has been effective in influencing Islamic ideals with other nations.


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