The regional power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the light of the components of national authority

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education and Islamic Thought, University of Tehran


The Islamic Republic of Iran today is recognized as a powerful country in the region and is becoming international power with increasing regional influence in the form of cross-border military operations of Iraq, Syria and Lebano The Islamic Republic of Iran today is recognized as a powerful country in the region and is becoming international power with increasing regional influence in the form of cross-border military operations of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. An Iranian who tries to maintain the existence, independence, security and prosperity of its citizens as well as to deal with foreign threatsizens as well as to deal with foreign threatsThe present article tries to identify the factors and components of regional power through a descriptive-analytical approach and seeks to answer the question that after 40 years of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and increasing the regional power of Iran and its reflection in the form of the presence and increase What is the military outsourcing role of the components of national power in increasing regional power and influence in Iran? The results of the research indicate a positive effect of the national power components of Iran and the regional influence of the Islamic Republic of Iran due to the geopolitical position, mineral and oil reserves, the increase of military strength and identity components, and the leadership of high-quality leaders.


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