A Study of the Spread of Imam Khomeini's Thought in Strengthening Moderate Islam in ABI and IJABI Shiite Organizations in Indonesia

Document Type : Research Paper


1 teacher of un

2 Professor FN of un

3 Professor of un

4 Instructor of Payame Noor University


During the last four decades, Imam Khomeini's thought and the ideals of the Islamic Revolution have influenced the Islamic world and in some countries have led to the formation of Islamic movements. Most of the researches have focused on identifying movements in the field of West Asia and The field of East Asia and descriptive and strategy-oriented research has received less attention from researchers. Indonesia, with a population of 200 million, has a geopolitical and geostrategic position and will play a key role in the future of the world. Islamic movements, especially Shiites, were revived in this country under the influence of the Islamic Revolution and the ideas of Imam Khomeini; The two Shiite organizations, Abi and Ijabi, are active as the two main representatives of Shiite thought in this country. Due to the lack of written sources and official documents by means of interviews and questionnaires from the officials of these two organizations, Iranian officials, etc., this study tries to collect data and within the framework of SWOT analysis and with a quantitative and qualitative approach to this Answer the question: What are the strategies (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of spreading Imam Khomeini's thought in strengthening moderate Islam in the two Shiite organizations of Abi and Ejabi in Indonesia?
The results of the research show that the strengths include the characteristics of Imam Khomeini's leadership and ... weaknesses include the lack of proper needs assessment to explain and interpret it in Indonesia, lack of access to the works of Imam Khomeini (ra) and ... Opportunities: include a positive reaction of Sunnis to To Iran and Imam Khomeini (ra) and .. Threats: includes the spread of a wave of Shiism by dissident groups and ...


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