The Legitimacy of Provincial Jurisprudence in the Viewpoint of Ayatollah MahdaviKanny

Document Type : Research Paper


1 imam sadig university

2 imam sadigh university


Objective: The discussion about contemporary elements in the legitimacy of the Velayat-e-Faqih government became more and more widespread in the agricultural scientific community after the Islamic Revolution. Scholars have done more research on the views of the late Imam Khomeini in this regard and less on the views of other landlords in this area, such as Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani. If the authors of this study aim, you will find the answer to the question, what are the effective elements in the legitimacy of the government of Velayat-e-Faqih from the perspective of Grand Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani?
Research Research Method: In order to answer the written question, the method of content analysis and reference to library resources is used.
Findings: The findings of the research indicate that Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani considered the legitimacy of the government of a just jurist with prudence and insight of leadership to be dependent on two factors; Divine appointment at the stage of potential guardianship and victory of the people at the stage of actual guardianship.
Conclusion: Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani's opinion on the legitimacy of the Velayat-e-Faqih government is completely under none of the three theories of limited appointment, pure election and appointment-election (in its conventional sense) if the position of the people in this legitimacy is not accepted. In the place of choice that Nusrat used.
Keywords: Divine appointment, Ayatollah Mahdavikni, political legitimacy, popular acceptance, popular victory, Velayat-e-Faqih.



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