The State of republicanism with emphasizing on works of Ayatollah Khamenei by thematic analysis method

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Univesity of zanjan



Purpose: Democracy is a public demand in the new ages and non-democratic Systems are on the verge of collapsing. These two systems have main differences from one another. The problem of this article is the state of Republicanism from the perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei.

Method: In order to discover the components of republicanism, His works have been investigated with thematic analysis method

Findings: The findings of the research, formed of tables of basic, organizer, comprehensive themes and network of themes are showed that: A- The legitimacy of the political system of Islam has two areas, the divine area (the area of attributes) and the people's area (the area of recognition and election), which have an organic relation and do not operate one another. B- People's will plays a key role and its logic is different from the secular democratic systems. C- Legality is its fundamental trait which provides people’s rights. D. People are not only obliged to obey, but they have the right to create governance and monitor the performance of agents at all levels. E- Agents are accountable for their performance. F- The positions are temporary, the agents are directly and indirectly elected by the people.

Consequence: Explanation the components of Republicanism from Ayatollah Khamenei's point of view can change the social and organizational approach in the field of decision-making and a step towards ending the challenge of the relation between Republicanism and Islamism. The documents of his works are in conflict with two readings of the relation between people and religion (Instrumentation of people and Instrumentation of religion)


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