Difficulties in understanding Imam Khomeini's political thought; why and what

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor , Department of Political Thought in Islam , The Research Institute of Imam khomeini and Islamic Revolution, Tehran, Iran



Purpose: A proper recognition and permanent understanding (ijtihad) in the foundations of Imam Khomeini's political thought as a software for politics and government in post-revolutionary Iran is considered essential for the continuation of the growth path of the Islamic Revolution, and any negligence towards it can lead to a deviation in the order of thought, to the corruption of the inner nature. The political system will also be dragged. Therefore, the identification of the factors that can somehow be effective on the non-recognition of near to reality of Imam Khomeini's thoughts has been chosen as the goal of this research.
Method: This research, using the qualitative method of "research after the event", seeks to identify those mental factors that can be effective in recognizing the incorrectness of Imam Khomeini's political thought. By accepting the precondition that it is possible to obtain frameworks for understanding the goals and intentions of the author from the text, the author tries to identify those mental concepts that are effective in understanding the Imam's political thought by using the theory of hermeneutics.
Findings: The findings of this research indicate that at least 10 mental factors can be effective in shaping these incorrect ideas in understanding Imam Khomeini's political thought, which include: ideological writing of political thought, imposition of theory on thought, sainthood, one-dimensional view of thought, Lack of differentiation between political thought and political opinions, modernism, lack of theoretical development of thought, epistemological view of power and politics, lack of attention to the context and situation in the processing of thought and lack of attention to the external reality of each thought.
Conclusion: Epistemic challenges and mental concepts have a significant role in shaping the interpreter's understanding space and can act as a prior and default factor and study and re-read the phenomenon based on it.


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