The role of Shariati's revolutionary subject in the political mobilization of the people and its impact on the Islamic revolution

Document Type : Research Paper


Doctorate in Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit



Purpose: The aim of the current research is to investigate the subjective approach of Ali Shariati as one of the important figures of contemporary intellectuals of Iran to man and his social responsibility, its impact on the revolutionary and radical interpretation of religion as a political ideology. By using this approach, Shariati formulated a revolutionary subject in Shiite religious literature. And with its help, he was able to provide the ground for the political mobilization of the masses during the Islamic revolution. And to what extent Shariati's revolutionary analysis of the Shia religion was effective in the political mobilization of the masses of people in the Islamic Revolution?
Research methodology: Using the historical analytical method, this research wants to analyze the main characteristics of Shariati's approach to religion and evaluate its role in the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
Findings: Paying attention to the political and social consequences of his analysis, including his attention to the revolutionary subject and its redefinition in Shiite religious literature and its role in depicting the revolutionary image of religion as a factor of social and historical transformation and its contribution to the formation and development of the Islamic Revolution are among the most important findings of this research.
Conclusion: The general result of this research shows that Shariati's intellectual project of presenting a subjective, ideological and revolutionary image of religion was ultimately the basis for turning religion into the main element of political mobilization in the Islamic Revolution.


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