Study of the Challenge of Political Distrust in the Fifth Decade of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies Department, Islamic Revolution Studies, Maragheh Islamic Azad University, Maragheh

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Islamic Revolution Studies, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Hamedan



Political mistrust is one of the biggest challenges faced by political leaders after the victory of revolutions, and Iran's Islamic revolution is no exception to this rule and may face such a challenge. Therefore, the present research examines political mistrust as a challenge affecting the future of the revolution by referring to Pippa Norris's theory and pathological and futurist approaches. Norris explains political distrust by referring to five indicators of support for the political community, the constitution, executive affairs, institutions and political activists. The findings of the research show two categories of internal and external factors: the inefficiency of governments and statesmen, the lack of accountability and responsibility of statesmen, the political indifference of the people, the increase in political-administrative corruption, the growing expectations of young people, the lack of channeling of demands through civil institutions, the intensification of cognitive wars, the development Feminist activities in the country, the Indo-Balkanization of the country and networking to confront the Islamic Republic of Iran and the scenarios designed through the cognitive, ideological, information wars, military operations, etc. of the enemies of the revolution are among the most important factors in creating the challenge of political mistrust in the fifth decade of the revolution. . The results of the research show that providing effective basic solutions and formulating efficient strategies, paying close attention to the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, effective management, improving and reforming the living conditions of the people, improving the level of economic stability and fighting financial corruption, fair distribution of wealth, supervision, It will strengthen and strengthen the nation's political trust in the political system in the coming decade.


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