Comparing the Political Consequences of the French Revolution and the Islamic Revolution of Iran Emphasizing the transformation of the political structure

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of the faculty and chairman of the Association of Political Studies in the field

2 azad university


The purpose of this paper is to answer the question of the differences and similarities between the French Revolution (1789) and the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1979) in terms of political implications, especially in terms of the transformation of political structure. , By combining theories associated with the aftermath of the revolution, such as the Huntington, Tilly, Zimmerman, Skachpol and others, and the extraction of indicators of the political consequences of the revolution, such as the transformation of political structure and political stability, and it was hypothesized that the political consequences of the French Revolution And the Islamic Revolution of Iran, in terms of the transformation of the political structure, such as the abolition of the royal system and the formation of a republic They are similar to the constitution and the transformation of the three powers, but they differ in terms of the nature, bahe abolition of the royal system and the formation of a republic, the adoption of the constitution and the transformation of the three powers, are different from one another in terms of the nature, foundation, time, type, and the way in which political structure and political stability change.sis, time, type, and the way in which political structure and political stability change. To examine and test the hypothesis above, political developments after the French Revolution and the Islamic Revolution of Iran


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