Utilization of the Resistance Economics Model in the Issue of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Research Paper


1 mazandaran university

2 assis...


Big revolutions have an international character, and they are usually the source of various effects in the scene of regional and trans-regional equations of great or small proportions. The Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 was also a major international revolution. In addition to the high status of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in the field of international equivalents as a source of identity and a model for the entire Islamic Ummah played an important role. Therefore, resistance is a model that can guarantee the progressive and developmental movement of the Islamic Revolution. And the ability of the Islamic society to adapt to environmental events, was raised by the leadership and political and economic elites of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The research effort was to examine the capabilities of this model for issuing a revolution as a model for the development of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a model among developing countries. Hence, the main question is: What are the resistance and resistance structures that have the capacity and ability to become a model for the realization of the issuance of the revolution? For this purpose, using the functionalist approach and the descriptive-analytical method, the results of this review were that the resistance model of the economy due to the ability to apply religious principles and principles based on the principles of the people-centered and knowledge-based economy was the inspirational power to solve the problems of the countries It is developing in the light of the homogeneous capacities of these countries and as a result of the issuance of the revolution.


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