The Impact of Counter Terrorism Alliance on Tangible National Power Resources of The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic from The Perspective of Realism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty of islamic studies and political science, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran

2 professor of political science, faculty of Islamic studies and political science, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran

3 faculty of Islamic studies and political science, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran


The analysis of the impact of the counter-terrorism cooperation as an alliance between the I.R.I, the Republic of Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic on tangible national power resources of these nation- states from the perspective of the realist theory of international relations is the problematic of this research. The main question is that what is the impact of the alliance between Iran, Iraq and Syria against terrorism on the tangible resources of the national power of these three states? Other questions are what is the impact of counter terrorism alliance on geopolitical national power resources of the three states? what is the impact of alliance on military national power resources of the three states and what is the impact of alliance on economic national power resources of the three states? This research is based on a hypothesis which is that the alliance between Iran, Iraq and Syria against terrorism has strengthened the tangible national power resources of them. The method of this research is descriptive- analytical and its data gathering method is a secondary study. The realism is used as the theoretical framework of this research. The main finding of this research is that the counter terrorism alliance between Iran, Iraq and Syria has led to strengthening the national power of these states in geopolitical, military and economic dimensions. This impact in the geopolitical context has found as extending the dominance of the three states on strategic regions of north Middle East and connecting between important geopolitical areas. The impact has been found in military dimension as increasing the ability in equipment, support and logistics and manpower. At the economic context the concentration has been on the extending dominance of the three states on the strategic energy ellipse and synergism in the field of oil and gas resources.


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