A comparative study of the performance of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America in dealing with the coronavirus crisis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor Researcher of Imam Sadiq (AS)

2 Assistant Professor, Shahrood University of Technology


Purpose: Undoubtedly, one of the most important crises and challenges of the current century is the spread of the Corona pandemic, which has severely affected the lives of people and relations between governments. The interesting thing about the spread of this epidemic was the way different countries dealt with this phenomenon. In fact, each of the countries has tried to manage this crisis in some way according to their facilities and capacities and the scope of the conflict. In this regard, the present article tries to answer the question "How did the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America perform in dealing with the Corona virus by comparing the confrontation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America?"
Research methodology: In order to answer the mentioned question, a combination of analytical descriptive method and comparative study method as well as the theory of institutionalism has been used as a theoretical framework.
Findings: In general, the comparison of the two countries of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America in the face of the corona virus indicates the existence of some similarities and differences in the performance of the two countries.
Conclusion: Despite the existence of some similarities between the performance of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America in the fight against the corona virus, such as management weaknesses in the initial reaction, the establishment of protocols and preventive measures, vaccine production, but the Islamic Republic of Iran by creating Cohesion at the macro level of official institutions, as well as interaction and synergy between official and unofficial institutions, and optimal use of the capacities of international institutions, especially after the new government came into office, was able to achieve a partial control of the corona disease in the country. But the United States of America, due to the lack of coherence in the official institutions and also the inability to create coordination and synergy between its official and unofficial institutions in dealing with Corona, but also because of the gap and mistrust between those two institutions, despite the administration of the government New (Biden) in America is at the top of the number of patients and deaths caused by Corona in the world.


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